Friday, November 05, 2004

Smart people can go stick yer heads' in the mud

Here's the IQ theory of who votes for which candidate.

A chart from 2000....

And a long analysis of why that's bunk.


At 12:17 PM, Blogger Honsey3 said...

This is off topic to the most recent post, but I just recently came across your blog and I was reading the post on marrying an weren't sure if people were being serious about wanting to leave the country and I just wanted to fill you in that as a Canadian I can verify that Canadian Immigrations is now being overloaded with Immigration applications from American Democrats wanting to get out A.S.A.P.

They weren't joking.

At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dems fleeing to Canada? That means an even bigger margin of victory for the GOP.

This is why Kerry could not be elected. Dems give up way too easily.

At 3:46 PM, Blogger Amy Ruiz Fritz said...

Interesting chart. It's probably someone's idea of creativity. I like the guy who responded that his IQ was 160 - 165. Right. The same IQ as Einstein? I think not.

At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Science, it's your patronizing, paternal attitude that costs you election after election. Telling the electorate they are stupid hardly endears them to your cause.

The election was not about health care, or jobs, or whatever else you seem to think all us stupid people think it should have been. It was about morality, followed by terrorism and Iraq. And the people chose Bush. Either you can learn from this and prepare for the mid term elections in '06, or get on your butt buddies in the media about doing a better job of lying to the American people. Otherwise plan on losing in '06, '08, '10, '12, '14 ....

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As one of those red state voters, there were many reasons to vote for Bush over Kerry: U. S. Sovereignty over UN scrutiny of US policies/internal & international, traditional values over Hollywood values, capitalism/free enterprise system over socialism/welfare state, judges who interpret the law according to original intent over activist judges, pro-life over pro-death, marriage between man and woman over all other perversions of the marriage contract, and on and on.

By the way, the newly coined words gay and homophobe really are inaccurate; the gay lifestyle is truly sad and homophobe is truly a word that doesn't communicate anything other than the users own bias. Folks who do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle are not afraid of them or intolerant of them personally. They do have an aversion to the agenda they promote in our culture, that of total acceptance on par with heterosexual lifestyle. If marrying was the only issue regarding the "sads," I would say leave them to their own destruction. But, as they know and the rest of us know, legalized marriages would usher in a new assault on our children in schools in the form of tolerance education, pastors would be liabled by preaching against homosexuality in churches, and even parents whose children happen to repeat at school what is said in the privacy of the home will be open to lawsuits as an embarrassed child living in the home of homosexuals relates the remarks. Homosexuals will be more open in advertising and on tv commercials. All of this will put God-fearing parents in a state of continual stress and frustration as they try to teach their children Biblical principles and at the same time keep themselves out of the courts. This is the poster-child for "slippery slope" issues.

You've heard it before; now hear it again. Christians do not hate the homosexual. The homosexual is no more a sinner than the gossip who assassinates a person's character or the thief, or the child molester. But, we do not see a PAC forming to try to legitimize the gossip's or thief's or the molester's activities with the intent of bringing the culture to the point of accepting their activities.

Christians do not apologize for what God says in the Bible. Homosexuality is an abomination to Him. Some may not like that, but their problem is with God, not Christians.


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