Thursday, November 04, 2004


Angela Winters

I have to say I haven't been watching too much news or reading too many blogs or websites for the past week. I'd just had enough of politics, but after a good rest, I'm venturing back online and finding some interesting articles about W's second term.

This ABC News story says Bush Claims Mandate for War, Tax Agenda. Hold on a second. Doesn't a mandate have a certain percentage qualification? Yes, he clearly won this election by a record large margin, but a mandate on war and taxes? IMHO, I think that the War In Iraq and the tax plan are not the reasons he won. I think he won for likeability, the war on terror and moral issues. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Also, I wonder if all those young voters who registered but didn't show up feel about this Reuters article. Republicans are pushing the Bush agenda in the second term. As a centrist, I'm in favor of some of Bush's policies, but last I checked, the college generation was majority pro-choice and pro-Affirmative Action, two laws the Supreme Court will be going after in the next four years. Bush will be able to appoint at least one new judge and we all know where he or she will stand on these issues. Maybe I've got the kids all wrong, but I expected these two issues, including the war, would bring them out in much higher numbers than they did.

What do you think?


At 6:46 AM, Blogger Michael said...

I have to complete agree with on this one. I consider myself a centrist as well and the right-wing Bush policies scare the bejeezes out of me. Polls claim that 57% of people think Bush will try to unite the country in his 2nd term. He now has 4 years to push his policies and not answer for it because he doesn't have to run for re-election again. Abortion and affirmative action are going to be huge issues during the next four years. We can only hope the current Supreme court judges can hold on another 4 years.

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Ryan Gilbert said...

I am also a University student and I consider myself to be on top of politics. I can hold my own against the best of my ultra-radical-liberal professors. I'll agree that the expected "record" turn-out of young voters thanks to Sages of the political world like Puffy and Christina Aguiliera was somewhat of a let-down. But most college kids have much more on their mind than politics. I dare say most are uninformed. Actually, I would venture to say that the ones that claim to be informed will believe anything they hear to the effect that Bush is terrible. From Micheal Moore saying that he stole the election, which turned out to be false based on EVERY independent recount, to the fact that if Bush was re-elected he would outlaw sex all together (Choose or Lose). I think the American people are split, but the majority of them could see through the aloof, aristocratic, french Kerry and settled for the guy that although they may not agree with everything he thinks, they KNOW everything he thinks. Re-electing Bush a mistake? No. Why do we even WORRY about what the french and the germans think? They have their own agendas. They want America to have a weak president. Don't you see that? America is for Americans. Since I am one, I am proud of our president and I am sure doomsday is much more than 3 or 4 years away. Stop the nay-saying. This is pathetic. I learned in pre-school that whining is ineffectice and unattractive. Now that the election is over, do what you can to bring the country back together. We are one. And do NOT hope for another civil war... beacause in case you didn't check the red-blue election map... The South Rose Again. :)

At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what professor your holding your own against... perhaps they have just given up on you as a lost cause. Furthermore, what the heck are you talking about when it comes to Doomsday and "the South rising again"? Don't you know thats a tangent if there ever has been one. Besides nobody suggested a second civil war... Furthermore, you don't have to believe EVERYTHING that comes out of Michael Moore's mouth (like you said)... but I would like to hear you try to explain the video clip of Bush, from his own mouth, saying that the rich were his base and that they were the "haves and have mores". That certainly doesn't seem like a man concerned with the people.

Most of all, though, lets not blindly believe everything we hear. Much of what Bush says is self contradictory. He doesn't waffle you say? Well, did we go to war in Iraq because of WMDs (his initial claim) or to bring freedom to the Iraqi people (his second claim)? He respects rule of law you say? Not likely... the same man that declared himself president in the first term before a recount was completed, thereby forcing the Supreme Court to cover for him, derided the same judicial system's "activist judges". You say he is straight with the American people? He is the same man who says that partial birth abortions are "a brutal practice", yet cannot tell you in the third debate whether he would appoint a judge that would overturn Roe vs. Wade. Regardless of one's personal beliefs about abortion, you cannot tell me that the man didn't know what type of judge he would appoint.

Lastly, you ask us why we should care about what Germany (spelled with a capital G) and France (spelled with a capital F) think? The simple reason is that no country, no matter how powerful, can afford to conduct itself in a way that makes many enemies around the world. Implying that the U.S. can do what it pleases without care is an example of extreme, misguided hubris. Lest we forget the lessons of history, great countries and empires have suffered defeat in the past for overestimating their already great power.

I would strongly encourage you to open your mind and consider the irrefutable evidence that George W. Bush is not everything you made him out to be. While I voted for Kerry, I harboured no similar illusions of perfection. I was wary of Kerry, but less so than of Bush.

At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa! What's up with Ryan? He sure has an ego if I've ever seen one. I don't know about his politics, but I'm certain he believe we're all priviliged to listen to him. What a piece of work.

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