Monday, August 01, 2005

Controversy Over--Cho Chang?!

Does the character of Cho Chang from the Harry Potter series rehash Asian stereotypes? Just read an interesting opinion piece from the Philippine News, courtesy of the Pacific New Servics. The opinion piece touches on controversy over casting the character, outrage over the name of the character, lack of varied portrayals of Asians in the media, etc...

Philippine News: Harry Potter Triggers Debate on the Asian Image in the Media

Jealous online teens write their thoughts in forums and ever-popular blogs...Some Asian teens complain that Leung is “ugly,” while non-Asian fans are “jealous” that Harry Potter is kissing an Asian (this is what happens in Harry Potter #5.)

I think this writer takes these sort of "message board" type posts too seriously. I honestly doubt that any Harry Potter fan cares about Cho's ethnicity. Of course lovesick fans are proclaiming that Leung is ugly; the actress will get to kiss Daniel Radcliffe, 16-year-old sweetheart of the rodeo and star of the film. Aishwarya Rai or Nicole Kidman could be playing Harry Potter's love interest and still get hisses of "that skank is naaaaaasty!"

Aside from that, I would completely and utterly agree that there are not nearly enough portrayals of Asians in the Western media. Actually, that's the one and only thing I would change about the Harry Potter books: more characters who just happen to be minorities. What I'm really not sure of is whether Cho Chang's character is a stereotype. She's generally nice, cries at the drop of a hat and is good at Quidditch. Any opinions?

PS: And if anybody has finished HBP and wants to hear my theories of why that "certain person" who murdered "another certain person" like totally didn't mean it and is STILL good/decent/disturbingly crush-worthy, just let me know!


At 12:57 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

This is all such B.S. People are reading waaaaay too much into this. I don't see any stereotyping with Cho's character.

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never even knew Cho Chang was supposed to be Asian. i don't

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um. I don't find anything wrong with Cho. It doesn't really matter if there are Asian's or no Asian's in the movie. It's a movie. People are getting a little too offended.

At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a completely unbiased comment, since I am not asian, and I am not racist (and I'm a guy).

The actress playing Cho Chang is just plain UGLY.

Almost every other asian girl is better looking than her (she cannot be more than 4/10 tops). I wonder how she "beat" 4000 others for the role.

At 6:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am an asian girl.I quite agree that most asian girls including me are much more beautiful than her.
Are there many differences between the standard of beauty in the western and oriental world

At 6:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am an asian girl.I quite agree that most asian girls including me are much more beautiful than her.
Are there many differences between the standard of beauty in the western and oriental world

At 6:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am an asian girl.I quite agree that most asian girls including me are much more beautiful than her.
Are there many differences between the standard of beauty in the western and oriental world

At 6:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am an asian girl.I quite agree that most asian girls including me are much more beautiful than her.
Are there many differences between the standard of beauty in the western and oriental world

At 5:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok. So,im a guy. An asian guy,living in australia. Normal,innit? Leung,is really,really actually quite nice,compared to the majority of asian girls. HOWEVER,that being said,everything is relative. So,relative to my definiton of beauty(which does NOT include gargantuan breasts and ass) she is at tops,normal-ish. Not pretty,like white guys think. IMO,white guys have REALLY bad taste in asian girls. One too many times,have i seen what should be a chick magnet,with a fugly ass asian chick. And im 16,and straight.


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