Monday, December 20, 2004

Bush to Reality?

Watching BBC News, their top story was Bush conceding that the insurgency in Iraq is, well, affected things there. Holy Mother of God! Really? I thought the totally liberal media was just ignoring all the good stories in Iraq in favor of bloods and guts and things exploding. Stunned at Bush's admission, I figured I'd see if this "story" held up. And it did!

The Times lead online story started this way:

"'We're under no illusions,' Mr. Bush said at a White House news conference. Some individual Iraqi units are ready to provide security, he said, but there are not enough of them to make up a cohesive fighting force. Mr. Bush declined to speculate on how long United States troops will have to remain in Iraq."


"Responding to several questions on Iraq, Mr. Bush acknowledged that the country's emerging security forces had performed 'with mixed results' and that some had simply fled after encountering insurgents. 'That's unacceptable,' he said. But he added that some Iraqi security forces had fought well at Falluja and other battle sites.

A day after insurgent bombers killed more than 60 people in Iraq, the president said such killers are trying to shake America's collective will as well as the Iraqis' resolve.
'We must meet the objective,' Mr. Bush said, 'and I believe we will.'

His last (and maybe first?) press conference of the year, lasting a gut-wrenching 55 minutes, Bush said the elections in Iraq will definitely continue even though less than half of Iraqis will be able to make it to the polls. Hell, less than half of Americans make to the polls for anything. If we're going to fix a country, we definitely can't make it better than this one. Hopefully Bush's advisors will continue to clue him into reality and let him read the newspaper.


At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And your point is....?

At 5:06 AM, Blogger chris in Arizona said...

Strange isn't it.. how everything that John Kerry said during the election is just plain true.. remember when Bush argued that it wasn't 200 billion, for the cost of Iraq war? Well, now it's climbing to 300 billion.. and Kerry said the key to Iraq is quality trained Iraqis.. and that we needed more boots on the ground and... well..

I have to say that the saddest part is that there is not one country in the world that trusts the United States. Today, I saw Tony Blair in Iraq, he was upset that the "rest of the world" doesn't understand the nobel cause that is the War in Iraq.. for democracy.

What a load of crap.. it's not about democracy.. it has always been about stability.. and having our footprint in the Middle East... I don't care what Blair or Bush say.. they don't really want democracy.. If Bush wanted true democracy.. he would have had that scumbag Karl Rove as his Campaign advisor. Can you imagine the games Rove would play in an Iraqi election? I am sure that whoever we want to win this "election" will win.

At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, could you get a point! These are all things that people have known for a long time, but we started this and so we are going to have to finish it. Pulling out would create anarchy in an already chaotic society. Democracy is the only way that the people of Iraq can possess stability because under a democracy we are giving them a choice. They can "elect" Saddam if they want but they must have the power to choose at this point. We have the Bill of Rights and the Constitution defining our rights and liberties so why are the people of Iraq and the rest of the world entitled to the same? Maybe you should give up your rights. Do you think that you are better than the people of Iraq?

At 5:33 PM, Blogger Gustavo said...

My name is Gustavo. I am Journalist in Brazil, and I am History's teacher. Here in my country, the peoples are anti- Bush governement. Why This? Because mr. Bush has used the power of the most strong country of the world (in actuality) for destroier other peoples. Afegans and Iraquians are vitims of the "new Hitler"of the World: mr. George Bush. Freedom? But mr. Bush has over of nacional soberany in Iraq and Afeganistan. Our latin- americans not likes of republicans, because they are a "messianic vision" in relation of other countries and cultures in the world. But our warrior for nacional soberany in our countries. If mr. Bush came to Amazon forest (in Brasil), our Army go defend our soberany. People of Iraq have right of the defensive ataqs, because your coubtry have been ocupied for other Army, the U.S. Army.
Sorry for my english, and sorry for my declaration anti- Bush. But, mr. Bush is- in my opinion- the encarnation ok neo- fascism in the world, today.
Save nacional soberany of the peoples of the World!
Iraq is new Vietnam: U.S. Army will be loser.
Thanks for read my test. Good night!
P.S. my blog is:

At 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This entire Iraq war and the loss of every life can be blamed on one person..... George W. Bush. He is the lamest and most unintelligent excuse for a presidident this country has ever known.

I know the audience of this blog is worldwide, and I just hope you don't hold the helpless American citizens responsible for the inept policies of this government. These bunch of war mongoring ##$holes running the show need to be removed. A good majority of us Americans despise this president. This administration has done nothing but cause hatred and discontent in the world. The world was a much better place to live in before Bush became president.

Bush has failed among many things to:
- Secure his own country from terrorists.
- Capture the person (Bin Laden) responsible for 9/11 dead or alive.
- Protect his own countries borders.
- Win his own war on terror.
- Establish democracy in Iraq.

And now he claims he's going to bring "peace to the mideast"?

Since the U.N. has declared Iraq an illegal war and a good majority of U.S. citizens feel Bush took office illegitimately, I wonder what it would take for a bunch of nations to get together and put out an arrest warrant for Bush and his chronies on international war crimes? That would be so cool.... Bush and Hussein sharing a jail cell! Isn't that the reason he won't join the world court? Because he doesn't want the U.S. to be held accountable for it's actions? If we play by the rules all the time and we are the boy scouts this administration claims we are, what do they have to worry about?

At 8:17 AM, Blogger Gustavo said...

In my opinion, mr. Bush is similary to Osama Bin Laden: is fundamentalist in relacion of religion and believe than is a "new profet" of God for take Gospel to other countries. But, in Iraq- I was reed in cristian newspaper in my country- catolics, protestants and jews had freedom of religion, in the past governemenet of Saddam Hussein. Why mr. Bush ataq Iraq? In really, he need of iraq's oil. Is the real motivacion for War on Iraq. But many americans voted in Bush, in last election. HE WAS REELECT FOR PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATES. Peoples of the world are sad, because this. But Iraq Resistency will be vitorious. God is love and Justice, but Bush represent the State's terrorism and injustice, in the actualy world.
After Second War World, United States had and have a Empire, similary to ancient Rome. United States, specially in republican's governments, used your military and economic power against other countries of the Third World. Exactly how nazists, in the past. But Bush said than this is in the name of Democracy. Where is the true?
The idea of "preventiv ataq" is wrong. Bush only ataq countries than made oposition against your fascists acts.
I believe than our World will have many wars, in the next four years, because mr. Bush and your miliatrist ideology. Wars will begin for White House, against other soberans countries.
But other peoples will go resisty. Iraquians are most example for humanity, today. They are make warrior for your soberany and freedom, against U.S. Army and your leader: George Bush.
God save all peoples of the world of the destruccion. Peace nor War!

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Gustavo said...

Ok, comrades. Really think than God is cursing the U.S.A., because your wrong acts against other peoples. I am Cristian, member of Lutheran Church, and I believe in the God of the Bible. And Jesus, Son of God, said in Holy Bible: "God is love". But, mr. Bush made war against other peoples, and used the nome of God for justify your bad actions (in other words: military attaqs).
I am Brazilian, and really, in my country and your nacions of the Third World, many peoples don't like mr. Bush, because your attaqs and invasions against other nacions, how Iraq, in actuality. Ever against nacions of Third World. That is "wonderful".
But, now is 12/24, and tomorrow will be christmas day. All cristians, will go celebrate born of Jesus Crist. For us, He is the Son of God, the Mashiach (a jewish word) of the Humanity. In this day, pray for God than conflicts in the world will be finish.
Peace for all us, citizens of the world. God save us. God Bless Humanity. God bless our families and all families in the Universe! God Bless Palestinian's childrens, and citizens of Iraq!
Peace of Crist for all peoples!

At 7:39 AM, Blogger Gustavo said...

I agree with D. Really CIA acted interfiring in many countries for defeat governments than made opposition at U.S. Policy.
In my country had a dictatorial military government (1964- 85), after of CIA and your friends – bishops and industrials than had sympathy for Washington politic position anti- socialist- make our elected national government with some of our soldiers. This fact happened in 3/ 31 of 1964.
Since 1961 our chairman was João Goulart, a leader of Labor Party of Brazil (PTB) than had alliance with communists, socialists and rural’ s workers. But U.S, Stabilshment was think than Goulart was a “communist”. After of 3/31, when Goulart was defeat for military forces, our country had 21 years of a Dictatorial government. White House support for these dictatorial government. Why? Because wanted defeats socialists governments of the world “incarnations of evil”(sic). Really was sad. Many patriots was killed, in my country, because your politic ideas. And the Uncle Sam defense “our” military government and the racist government of the South African (Apartheid under blacks and white peoples). In the name of Democracy? I don’t believe in this theory.
Joe: no only terrorists, but the Chairman of your country are “provoke and perpetuate evil”. Study, my friend, the History of the MIDDLE- EAST. Those peoples was and are victims of international humiliation, in many years. Those are humiliate for the U.S. (and, in the past, to British Empire and French) because your habits and culture and religion ( Great majority of peoples are Muslims, not Christians) . And, They are the majority of oil of the world. And this caused coveted of the more strong nations.Other problem in the middle- east is the Palestine Question. In 1948, the United Nations (UN) decided than Palestine Territory will be divide under two peoples: Jews and Palestinians. But, only Jews had your National State. And, in the context of the “Cold War” (under USSR and USA), White House help Israel and Soviet Union help Palestine. Today, Israel have the fifth more strong Army of the world, and Palestinian only has a police without your National State. This is Justice? I Think Than this situation is humiliating. But Uncle Sam think different...
Uncle Sam help your “small” friend Israel with money and military technology. And Palestinian continue without your rights. And, U.S. , continue help only Israel. What you think this, Joe? Where is the Justice?
Really I had some Jews in my ancestral family. But, I don’t agree with this war without Palestinians and Arabic peoples, in actuality. I am favorable to Palestine State and against intolerance in relation of Arabic Peoples (those ideas: “many Arabs are terrorists” or “all Arabs are fanatics” is prejudice to him).
Now, in the end, I ask to comrades than read my text, than goes to my blog ( and writing message, OK?
In My blog, some posts are writing in Portuguese language, but others are write in English language. After read messages in English, comment in the post, OK?
Merry Christmas for yours comrades. God Bless your families and your friends. God bless peoples of Iraq and Palestine! God Bless all peoples!

At 6:43 AM, Blogger Gustavo said...

C.I.A and Bin LadenOsama Bin Laden is commander of Al Qaeda, a strong terrorist organization of Afeganistan, with guerrillas in many places of the world. But many citizens of America don’t know than was C.I.A than was train Bin Laden and many members of Al Qaeda, in the past.
In last of the 1970’s, the Communist Party championed national elections in Afeghanistan. But, was in “Could War”: USSR (socialist)x USA (capitalist). And, C.I.A was train radical Muslims against “reds without God”(Communists). The chief of fundamentalists Muslims was Bin Laden
, a rich and fundamentalist muslin.
In 1989, Soviet Army goes out of Afeganistan. Then, radical Muslims of Al Qaeda looking for other enemy of Islamic Civilization: Christian (and Jews) americans and other of the West than wanted impose your “democracy”(Way of Life, etc) and habits. Then, Al Qaeda became the most strong (invisible) enemy of U.S.
In 1980’s, C.I.A support Saddam Hussein’s government without Iran, in Iran- Iraq war (1980- 1987). Today, Mr. Bush said than Saddam’s Government was “evil”, and than Bin Laden is “chief of the evil”. But Bush and many americans forget that’s facts of past in middle- east (about Bin Laden and Saddam).
Dear Comrades, and my friend Joe: If Hussein’s government and radical Muslims are the “evil”, then C.I.A is the Mother of the evil! And US governments too. Ronald Reagan (in the past) and George W. Bush are the commanders of Evil’s attacks against other peoples. This is Great true!
Joe, read texts of Noan Chomsky. He report the bad policy of U.S. in the middle- east.Happy new year for yours, comrades.
Happy new year for all peoples of the world. Peace and Justice!


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