Monday, February 27, 2006

Couldn't New Orleans Use $250 Million?

Instead, the Army is paying it to Halliburton. From the NY Times:

"The Army has decided to reimburse a Halliburton subsidiary for nearly all of its disputed costs on a $2.41 billion no-bid contract to deliver fuel and repair oil equipment in Iraq, even though the Pentagon's own auditors had identified more than $250 million in charges as potentially excessive or unjustified."

Click here for the full article

- Jean Chen

Trademarking the N Word

Yes, Damon Wayans is actually trying to do this:,70259-0.html?tw=wn_index_11

- Jean Chen

Sex Pistols Spit on Hall of Fame Honor

Punk rock still lives!

- Jean Chen

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Those Evil Dems

Check out the Cook County Republicans website, specifically their tribute to Black History Month.


You want some freedom fries with your roses of the prophet Muhammad?

From Yahoo News:

"Iranians love Danish pastries, but when they look for the flaky dessert at the bakery they now have to ask for "Roses of the Prophet Muhammad."

Bakeries across the capital were covering up their ads for Danish pastries Thursday after the confectioners' union ordered the name change in retaliation for caricatures of the Muslim prophet published in a Danish newspaper."

Click here for the article

Ok, so who's crazier? Religious extremists in the Middle East or political extremists in the U.S.?

- Jean Chen

Attention Shift

From Yahoo News:

"Republicans say they are pleasantly surprised that the intense media coverage of the hunting accident has shifted attention from the case of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Cheney's former chief of staff. Libby is accused of misleading investigators about who leaked the identify of a CIA official."

Click here for the full article

- Jean Chen

Black. White

Check out this new reality TV show on FX. A black family lives as white people and a white family lives as black people:

Click here for the article

-Jean Chen

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Ice Skating

Heh heh, check out this link.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Surveillance Net Yields Few Suspects

From the Washington Post:

"Intelligence officers who eavesdropped on thousands of Americans in overseas calls under authority from President Bush have dismissed nearly all of them as potential suspects after hearing nothing pertinent to a terrorist threat, according to accounts from current and former government officials and private-sector sources with knowledge of the technologies in use."

Click here for the full article

Hmm. Big surprise, huh?

- Jean Chen

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Cindy Sheehan Arrested

Cindy Sheehan was arrested at the State of the Union address last night for wearing a t-shirt that stated how many U.S. soldiers have died in Iraq. Check out her statement of what happened:

- Jean Chen