Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Football: Not a Sport for Sissies. Or People with Common Sense.

An interesting story straight out of Sao Paulo: Apparently, the mothers of Brazilian soccer players have become popular targets for ransom kidnappings.

SFGate.com: Kidnappings target Brazil's soccer moms
Gangs seek ransoms from star players

It's a solid article, but violence in football is hardly new. In 1994, Colombia defender Andreas Escobar was shot to death after making a fatal autogoal during a critical World Cup 1994 match. And of course, we have the phenomenon of the football hooligan. A proud English tradition dating back to the 1950's, football hooliganry involves frenzied loyalty to your local football club, picking fights with opposing fans, fire-setting, rowdiness and just general mayhem. Yeehaw!

Football hooliganism is a serious problem that has begun to spread to other countries, but...(looks around) I must confess I've always harbored a secret desire to get out there and throw some chairs through windows. I mean, somedays you wake up just itching to suit up in your Man City gear, listen to "Supersonic" on repeat and throttle Juventus fans. D'ya know what I mean?


At 7:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its Just a game. If u cant take a game what is your reason for watching the game. You win you win. You lose you lose. Get over it

At 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other than me i never lose because my name is Damon


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